Do you remember
The First World War
Or the Second World War?
How many people died?
But why? I ask why?
Let's don’t make that error again!
Let's care for the world!
Peace in the world
We cannot live without it!
Do you see the golden key?
Its name is PEACE, yes, it is!
Ivanka Karaivanova, 10 years
I have a dream:
For all people happy in the world,
We must say ‘Stop’ to war.
No more wars in this world!
No more tears on children’s cheeks.
I don’t want to see pain
And sadness in their eyes any more.
Without peace the birds will not sing,
There will be pain in our hearts.
I want peace in the world.
Preslav Plamenov, 9 years
I wish peace,
Love and peace.
Peace, peace, peace,
Peace in the world.
I dream only
For health and love.
Peace, peace, peace,
Peace in the world.
Tzvetomil Mladenov, 9 years
I dream for happy people
And those terrorists to disappear,
People to be free
And to live their life.
I wish to be free
And to be a star,
And to live in a beautiful house,
And to be in the future.
Tihomir Mladenov, 9 years
I had a dream:
The elephants are running free
And the lions and the tigers.
The children are playing on the roads.
The birds are singing happily.
Men and women are walking in the parks.
Peace is an important thing
And everybody should know it
And try to save it!
Ilian Ivailov, 9 years
Peace begins with saying sorry.
Peace begins with not hurting others.
Peace begins with honesty and trust.
Peace begins with showing cooperation and respect.
World Peace Begins With ME!
by Halley Hall
A single rose can make a garden;
A man for peace can change the world.
by Jenny Leopold
If roses could make peace, plant a garden wide;
Let its beauty bring peace where soldiers died.
For roses don't fight or point a gun;
If rose could bring harmony,
Plant many and be done.
by Catherine Lee
What is Peace?
Peace is a bird chirping
in the warm Spring sunshine.
A silver fish darting from one clump
of underwater weeds to another, in the cool spring water.
Peace is a butterfly flying in the wind,
against a soft blue sky of summer.
by Mathew Mathis