Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009

Seite 6

Ich bete für die Christen und Moslems in Gaza: Möge der allmächtige Gott ihr Elend, ihren Tod und ihr Leiden beenden. Herr, gib meinen Schwestern und Brüdern in Gaza einen stärkeren Glauben, damit sie auch dann geduldig sein können, wenn ein Ende des Krieges gegen sie noch nicht auszumachen ist.
Fuad und George, Bethlehem

Oh, mein Gott, Oh Jesus Christus! Säe in mein Herz und in die Herzen der Menschen in Gaza Liebe und Frieden, damit sie dich und einander mehr lieben können, wie du geheißen hast. Durch deinen Frieden und deine Liebe, oh Gott, werden Sieg, Freude, Sicherheit und Frieden überwiegen anstatt Besatzung, Tod und Teilung. Lord, höre mein Gebet. Yusef und seine Geschwister Gott, hab’ Mitleid mit unseren lieben Geschwistern, Christen und Muslimen, die man um der Freiheit, der Gerechtigkeit, des Friedens zu Märtyrern gemacht hat, und beende Besatzung und Krieg. Herr,
höre unsere Gebete. Jugendgruppe, Bethlehem

Oh Gott, hab’ Mitleid mit uns, rette uns vor allem Bösen und allen Kriegen. Oh Gott, gib uns Liebe und Frieden und lass Harmonie wachsen unter deinen Geschöpfen. Amen
Nabil Alusari, Griechisch-katholische Schule, Ramallah

Oh, Jesus Christus, unser Herr und Retter! Hilf allen Kindern an allen Ecken dieser Erde, besonders denen in unserem Heiligen Land. Sei barmherzig mit den Führern dieser Welt, so dass sie Konflikte und Kriege beenden können. Oh Heiland, gib uns Ruhe und Frieden, Amen
Khalil Al Souri, Griechisch-katholische Schule, Ramallah

Mein Gott, ich liebe dich aus meinem tiefstem Herzen, Seele und Gemüt. Um deiner Liebe willen lass auch mich alle Menschen lieben.
Jalil Al Akra’, Griechisch-katholische Schule Ramallah

Wir beten und wenden uns an alle, die an einen gerechten Frieden glauben, um Frieden in unserem Land, im Land Palästina, damit wir unsere Rechte genau so haben können wie alle Kinder dieser Welt.
Dalia Al Malki, Griechisch-katholische Schule, Ramallah

Ich weine und schreie zu dem, der meinen Kopf abgeschlagen hat: Ich bin ein menschliches Wesen,ein menschliches … ich weine und sage ‚Ich habe das Recht, in Sicherheit zu leben’
Tala Al Malki, Griechisch-katholische Schule, Ramallah

Oh Gott, hilf den Menschen in Gaza, dass sie erlöst werden von den täglichen Tötungen.Barmherziger Gott, hab Erbarmen mit den Massakrierten und Verwundeten!
Mais Ayyad, Regierungsschule in Bethlehem

Friedenskönig, öffne die Augen der Besatzer, damit sie aufhören, unschuldige Zivilisten zu töten.Gott des Friedens, steh den Familien bei, die ihre Kinder verloren haben.Oh Gott, steh den Helfern bei, den Lebensrettern und Ärzten, die sich um die Verwundeten kümmern.Gott der Liebe, schütze alle Völker dieser Erde. Sari Handal, Terra Sancta Schule, Bethlehem

Donnerstag, 26. November 2009

Do not close your eyes - Schließe Deinen Augen nicht


To all the World Leaders
I bring my song today
Search for some compassion
And try to find a way
To help the little ones
Who live on the street
Filthy and hungry, no shoes on their feet
For they are innocent
Did not commit a crime
But are sentenced to live on the Street for all time
Now help them all please I am begging you
Give them a chance so they may start anew

Street children, out there lonely and confused
Street children, often battered and abused
Street children, each day I pray
That God will be beside you to guide you on your way
Street children, I shed a tear for you
Street children, I sing my song for you
Street children, its so sad
Because you are the victims of society gone mad

They turn to lives of crime
They see no other way
They steal just to survive
To see another day
Some even using drugs
Just to ease the pain
Addicted to glue and snorting cocaine
But dont condemn them now
And please dont walk away
But ask what you would do if you were them today
And next time you see a Street Child walk by
Say There but for the Grace of God go I

The United Nations
Say children all have rights
But in reality
We know we have to fight
So my words are my swords and my voice my gun
And I wont give up til the war is won
Give them proper shelter
Give them education
Feed their bodies and souls
So that evry nation
Can be proud to see that their children can be
Anything in this world they want to be

Its not just Trinbago
Not just the West Indies
But a Worldwide problem
Spreading like a disease
Each day the numbers grow
I know this is fact
Of all the children forced to live like rats
Where are the Governments?
The ones supposed to care?
Where are the plans to save children who live out there?
Hang your heads in shame
All politicians
Sipping champagne, while these little ones you shun!

Street children, out there lonely and confused
Street children, often battered and abused
Street children, each day I pray
That God will be beside you to guide you on your way
Street children, I sing my song for you
But Im just a little boy so what else can I do?
Street children, its so sad
Because you are the victims of society gone mad

Samstag, 17. Oktober 2009

Seite 5

peace strahl

If we had peace there would be no war
war and destruction would be no more
Schlesinger homeschool, primary level
Providence, RI, US

If there was peace could we really fly?
up above the clouds and all else?
Schlesinger’s homeschool, middle school level
Providence, RI, US

Frieden beginnt in den Herzen
der Menschen
Jeanette, Richard-Wagner-Gymnasium,

A Peaceful word spoken
reaches out in sound and silence.
Wilson Middle School
Albuquerque, NM, US

If somebody is black? If somebody is white?
It’s just a matter of color, all right?

Through the years we heard their cries
But without peace someone else always dies
Middle School
Las Vegas, NV, US

Dentro de mi corazón hay paz y armonia
Y deseo a todos que entren en sintonía
I.E.H.B. Renascença, primary school

¡La paz es linda, es deslumbrante, es exuberante!
La paz es llena de esperanza, nunca abandone la paz
Brasileira Renascença
São Paulo, Brazil

Frieden ist für mich wenn alle Menschen in
Respekt zusammenleben ohne Waffen und Gewalt
Michaela, RWG Baden-Baden, Germany

The world was made for you and me
We wish that peace always will be
Fredrika Bremerskolan
Uppsala, Sweden

Viens petite colombe, et va dans les mains de tous les enfants du monde,
Pour qu’ils puissent sentir en toi la Paix de l’humanité
Ecole primaire Mont-Bleu
Hull, Québec, Canada

Aceptando nuestra realidad podremos vivir en paz.
Colegio Simón Bolívar
México, México

La paz es una cálida y armoniosa melodía en
cuyas notas
vibra lo mejor de nosotros mismos y de los demás.
Escuela Secundaria
Yucatán, México

La paz es una esperanza que viene de los niños
es amor, unión, venida del corazón.
Colegio Kerigma
Fortaleza, Brazil

Peace grows like a tree,
and can spread like a forest from you to me.
Lakeview Elementary
Trophy Club, TX, US

Los niños queremos la paz de los pueblos,
la paz es mi anhelo, ¡QUE VIVA LA PAZ!
Lic. Alfredo Bonfil
México, México

Ver a un niño sonriendo en esta tierra
y sentir el amor entre hermanos es la paz.
Ignacio Zaragoza, nivel primaria
México, México

Procuremos la paz entre las naciones
y juntos trabajemos para vivir mejor
Escuela "Juan José Martinez"
México, México

Si en todo el mundo no hubiera guerras y
todos nos respetáramos, nuestro mundo
sería mejor viviríamos en armonía y paz.
Escuela "Afganistán"
México, México

La paz es una sonrisa, la paz es la mirada de Dios.
Escuela Vespertina Simón Bolívar
México, México

Smiling friends bring happy hearts,
Courageous hearts fill the air with peace, happiness, and love.
Holy Name Central Grade School
Escanaba, MI, US

Peace is a word in every language, in the hearts, hopes, and minds of all.
Peace is something we all aspire to, whether big or small.
West Middle School
Ypsilanti, MI, US

If we had peace there would be no war
war and destruction would be no more
Schlesinger homeschool, primary level
Providence, RI, US

If there was peace could we really fly?
up above the clouds and all else?
Schlesinger’s homeschool, middle school level
Providence, RI, US

Freitag, 25. September 2009

Seite 4

peace strahl

Peace to God
Peace to People
Frank Porter Graham Elementary School
Chapel Hill, NC, US

Let’s make PEACE shine bright
Let’s make PEACE be our guiding light
Aula 10 Enseñanzas
Ciudad Real, España

Defeat disharmony . . .
Celebrate serenity.
Paul Kane High School
St. Albert, Canada

Liberty and justice, peace and love,
make the strong sign of the dove.
P.S. 29
Brooklyn, NY, US

Peace is like a white rose,
world is nothing without peace.
Yliharman kirkonkylan ala-aste
Yliharma, Finland

Different skin, different government, different cultures, different beliefs
One planet joined together, sharing these for global peace.
Baldwin High school
Pittsburgh, PA, US

Peace is just a fine word, but it can become a reality
When we open our hearts to Jesus Christ who is
Prince of Peace forever.
Eco-Peace School of Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine

The animals of the rainforest want some peace,
Their populations go down as humans increase!
Jeffersonville-Youngsville Central School
Jeffersonville, NY, US

Peace is when the world forgives, forgets and smiles.
Peace is when all nations stand together as one.
Rosie and Rohaana Kilvington Junior School
Victoria, Australia

Peace is believing in giving, sharing
caring and respecting life.
Westmoreland Elementary School
Westmoreland, KS, US

Forever Friends—Forever Freedom
Peace will come
Sejergaardsskolen, primary
Tollose, Denmark

Peace is a rainbow of color
In a world of black.
Cedar Ridge Middle School
Hyde Park, UT, US

Deep within thy tired, broken heart
Still lies a shelter for peace.
W. H. Atwell Fundamental Academy
Dallas, TX, US

Peace is love, courage, faith and harmony,
By getting together we can have friendship, acceptance
and equality.
St. Clare of Assisi Primary School
Conder, Australia

Peace is being kind and loving one another
Peace is the way that we should live with each other
John T. Harland Discovery Center
Atlanta, GA, US

love is love—the end
war is the end
Juhola School
Jarvenpaa, Finland

Peace to me is happiness. Happiness is freedom from deep inside.
Inside freedom deep, deep inside is glory. What is peace without
these emotions?
The Oakridge School
Arlington, TX, US

Peace is like running water, starting as a small brook, it soon
becomes an ocean,
World peace is like a morning breeze, refreshing the world with
every blow.
St. Theresa’s School
Austin, TX, US
Worldly minds unite as branches of an olive tree
Roots curling deep into every nation
Royal Oak Dondero High School
Royal Oak, MI, US

Peace is the sharing of wisdom and kindness.
If we care and work together, we can make Peace happen.
Ferris Elementary School
Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Peace is having no pain, crying, tears, or sorrow.
Peace is important because it causes happiness, sharing, and love.
King Middle Grade School
Kankakee, IL, US

Peace, is it a world without war?
Is it a world without theft, landmines and death? Yes!
Pine Grove Public School
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Peace is realizing equality in everyone.
Easy to understand but difficult to accomplish.
Troy Middle School
Shorewood, IL, US

Nous, les enfants des pays en paix, demandons aux ennemis dans
les pays en guerre, d’arrêter de se battre;
nous vous invitons à goûter au bonheur et à la joie de vivre
Ecole élémentaire J.B. SCHWILGUE 1
Strasbourg, France

Peace doesn’t come from the head
Peace comes from the warmth of our hearts
International School of Geneva
Chambesy, Switzerland

There’s so much we could say, there’s so much we should do,
to make a peace all over the world, create love that’s true.
Tenetin koulu
Vuokatti, Finland

A world of justice—a world of love—
a world of peace: that’s all we need!
Holstebro, Denmark

Smiling friends bring happy hearts,
Courageous hearts fill the air with peace, happiness, and love.
Holy Name Central Grade School
Escanaba, MI, US

Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

Seite 3

peace strahl

Peace is the sound of my mom’s heart
when I come in the door safe at night.
Colbert Elementary School
Boca Raton, FL, US

Peace in the world is peace in your heart.
If we do not have peace, the world will fall apart.
Dighton Middle School
Dighton, MA, US

I prefer when the sun is shining in the sky and birds are flying
When all the people in the world are merry and smiling
Pskov school #4
Pskov, Russian Federation

Sometimes the world does not have peace in it
but the world will always have peace around it
Deborah Jock Homeschool, middle
Bethlehem, CT, US

Wherever I go, peace is with me,
because without peace there is no me.
Middle School, "Zdravstveno uciliste"
Zagreb, Croatia

Trabajemos juntos, trabajemos unidos,
por la paz mundial, que es el futuro de nuestros niños
Colegio Nuestra Sra. de la Merced, secondary school
San Juan, Puerto Rico, US

Apologize when you are wrong
It will show that you are strong
Dinkelmeyer School
North Bellmore, NY, US

Don’t fight about your colour.
Love each other like brothers and sisters.
School of the Nations, Primary Section
Macau (Portugal)

Mothers, fathers, why do you fight
when everybody is someone’s child?
Utsjoen saamelaislukio
Utsjoki, Finland

May peace be scattered
Like pebbles in a dancing pond of rain
Turquoise Trail Elementary School
Santa Fe, NM, US

And we dream to make not just a world,
... but a just world.
Integrated School
Bacolod City, Philippines

Cuando tu sonrisa cultiva el amor
tu espíritu cosecha la paz
Instituto Experimental Cantaclaro
Maracaibo, Venezuela

All races, all colours, under the sun,
Join hands together and have some fun.
Jonas Salk Elementary
Bolingbrook, IL, US

Peace is like an African jungle—
It takes years to grow and seconds to destroy.
Parktown High School For Girls, secondary school
Parkview, South Africa

Peace is the soft beating of a child’s heart
In the womb of happiness and security
Parktown High School For Girls, middle school
Parkview, South Africa

Stop and write some happy rhymes about the peace we need.
Then you can proceed on your way to hand it over for all to read.
Basic school, Fabryho
Kosice, Slovakia

Love goes to the heart, Peace goes to the mind
So let’s forgive and be Peace Makers all the time.
Osage Hills School, primary school
Bartlesville, OK, US

Seite 2

J’aimerais... que la paix soit dans tout le monde
J’aimerais... qu’il n’y ait pas d’enfants avec du sang...
Ecole primaire Beausoleil
Cesson Sévigné, France

Compara una bala y una semilla
Sólo de una de ellas puede brotar la paz
Escuela "GRAN MALVINA No. 731"
Chubut, Argentina

Just look with your eyes of love, not with your heart of hate;
And do it today, for tomorrow will be much too late.
Morrisonville High School
Morrisonville, IL, US

War is just pain and sorrow
World peace is not worrying about tomorrow
I.S. 125, Woodside Intermediate School
Queens, NY, US

I hope the Peace will go global
Then we can say our world is noble
Osage Hills School, middle school
Bartlesville, OK, US

J’imagine un monde sans racisme, sans sexisme, sans mal, et
sans abus.
Je rêve d’un monde d’arcs-en-ciel et d’harmonie.
The Norwood School
Bethesda, MD, US

The value of human life has to tower
above the preciousness of the biggest diamond.
Hauptschule Weer
Schulgasse, Weer, Austria

Peace sells
But who’s buying?
Escola Profissional de Comércio Externo
Porto, Portugal

Peace is achieved by all, not one.
But peace begins with one.
Chaplin School
Chaplin, Saskatchewan, Canada

Voulez-vous bien une recette pour la paix?
Noir, blanc, jaune et rouge tous mélangés!
Ephesus Road Elementary School
Chapel Hill, NC, US

Paz en la vida, Paz en la tierra
Paz para siempre, Paz eterna.
I.E.H.B. Renascença, secondary school
São Paulo, Brazil

After the war can children sleep safely free from worry,
unhungry, unharmed?
Or does an evil lightly linger waiting for time and blood to
Saint Martha School
Okemos, MI, US

No wars, no fights, no guns
Forever peace!
International School of Kenya, primary school
Nairobi, Kenya

The war is over and the peace is here
The guns are destroyed—but this was only a dream
Svartbyns skola
Svartbyn, Sweden

We sing the Peace song
It is the song of all children. It is our wish.
Kindergarden Bernolakova
Kosice, Slovakia

Todas las personas creando un campo de estrellas
Pude ver mi reflejo mirándome.
Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin H.S.
New York, NY, US

L’Amour + l’entendement + l’egalité - la haine - l’ignorance - la violence
Qui dit que les maths ne sont pas une langue universelle?
Parkway South Middle School
Manchester, MO, US

Peace is sleeping in your bed at night, wrapped up tight
Dreaming in comfort of a golden tomorrow.
Kauai High & Intermediate School, intermediate level
Lihue, HI, US

Share your love with people who are different.
Be kind to the people of the world.
Parkside Elementary School
Parkside, PA, US

The world should be a peaceful place,
Without violence, weapons, or landmines to face.
St. Joseph’s Consolidated Elementary School
Nova Scotia, Canada

Si tú quieres que haya paz en el mundo, mira en tu interior,
porque ahí la encontrarás hasta el fondo de tu amor.
Centro Educativo Integral, primary school
Quito, Ecuador

Peace is the saying of I love you worldwide
Peace is but a knowledge that you possess inside.
International School of Kenya, middle school
Nairobi, Kenya

War, the dark cloud that covers the sun;
peace is the ray which breaks through the cloud.
International School of Kenya, secondary school
Nairobi, Kenya

When you see a beautiful dove,
You will know that it is a sign of God’s love.
Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Kanata, Ontario, Canada

Love, harmony, freedom, and self-esteem,
This is what universal peace should mean.
Webb A. Murray Elementary
Hickory, NC, US

Peace is a world where fear is no more.
Peace is a boat that finally reached the shore.
Weldon E. Howitt Middle School
Farmingdale, NY, US

To seek the peace that lies beneath,
Make amends with your enemy.
Inter-American Academy
Guayaquil, Ecuador

War—The enemy was murderous and declining and we were too.
Peace—We came together with the foe and said I forgive you.
Miramar Elementary School
Miramar, FL, US

War, revenge, unhappiness, and hate lead our world to strife;
Love, communication, trying, and compromise is the better way
to lead my life.
St. Gabriel School
Indianapolis, IN, US

Peace is powerful, it will not bend, hopefully peace will never end.
If it does, the world will shatter, if it does, then nothing else will
Eastern Lebanon County High School
Myerstown, PA, US

Peace is harmony, serenity, and a sunset of colliding unity
It fills hearts with a serene light of reconciliation in a warming sea
Westwood Junior/Senior High School
Westwood, CA, US

The peace the world desires is enough to stun,
But the men who want it must throw down their guns!
Pt. Pleasant Borough High School
Pt. Pleasant, NJ, US

All the children—girls and boys—live a life full of joys so we
could play hide-and-seek
and none of us would ever peek!
Hambrick Elementary School
Stone Mountain, GA, US

Gedichte zum Frieden


La paix c’est le meilleur moyen de communiquer.
Il faut que la guerre cesse, la paix c’est gai.
Ecole Jean XXIII
Chartres, France

Happiness-sharing sunsets with special friends
A picture perfect world in harmony.
Nate Perry Elementary School
Liverpool, NY, US

Paz es la palabra que los petrificados hombres lograron borrar.
El día en que la ganancia termine, quién sabe si esta palabra
pueda volver.
I.E.H.B. Renascença, middle school
São Paulo, Brazil

World Peace is like a single tear,
We help so little, but it helps a lot.
Hunter Junior High
West Valley City, UT, US

Peace is something you can’t see with your eyes.
It lives in everyone and it is so nice.
Florence Nightingale
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Less anger and hatred bring harmony and happiness.
With a better world we can begin to trust and feel safe.
Land O’Pines School
Howell, NJ, US

Generations have strived to ensure that the world would gain
from History’s pains;
So let Peace fill the world with love and happiness and free it of
grief and sadness.
Rock Creek Jr./Sr. High School
St. George, KS, US

Caring and sharing for each other:
LBE’s wish for peace.
Long Branch Elementary School
Liverpool, NY, US

When the world has accomplished peace
Every child of every nation will wear a smile.
International School of Amsterdam, middle school
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

People should not be prejudiced.
Everyone is special in their own way.
Prunedale School
Salinas, CA, US

Desde Concordia, amiguitos, nuestras manos aquí están,
tómenlas y demostremos a los grandes que se puede vivir en paz.
Escuela Primaria Provincial No. 73
Fablica, Argentina

Peace is hope in your heart.
Peace is faith and not fear.
Brewster Elementary School
Rochester Hills, MI, US

Peace is special, like us
And in all creatures, large and small
Pleasant Valley School
Novato, CA, US

Make Peace, not war. Peace on earth.
Let all nations rise!
Lake Linden-Hubbell School
Lake Linden, MI, US

Peace isn’t puppies, rainbows and flowers
Peace is not hearing guns, Peace is not having to run
Community School Middle School
Roanoke, VA, US

You are not alone; around you, there is peace.
All people in the world are your friends.
First Middle School attached to Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China

Increase peace;
let it be whispered into your ears.
Paraisten lukio
Parainen, Finland

One rainbow people,
working together, for the good of all.
Pakuranga College
Bucklands Beach, Auckland, New Zealand

Open your hearts for the sake of peace
Let’s make the world a better place for all of us
Roots High School
Rawalpindi Cantt, Pakistan

Peace is working together,
a preparation for the future.
Virginia City High School
Virginia City, NV, US

Did you know that on every piece of American money it says
"In God We Trust,"
for in God, we must trust—without him we surely would perish.
Obsidian Middle School
Redmond, OR, US

Plus d’essais nucleaires ! Plus d’armes atomiques !
Est-ce si difficile de faire la paix entre nous?
Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA, US

Our wonderful world needs more love, cheerfulness, and less war.
We’ll have hope and peace if we love each other and work together.
Hellgate Elementary
Missoula, MT, US

When ignorance is replaced by understanding and men’s hearts
are filled with love,
World peace and tranquility will prevail
Saint Linus School
Oak Lawn, IL, US

The whole world needs to make friends,
So that wars and fighting will end.
Glendal Primary School
Victoria, Australia

Harmony, Friendship, Caring, Sharing.
Joyful, Hopeful, Quiet, Safe ...PEACE
Early Childhood Center #61
Buffalo, NY, US

Peace my friend is for you and me,
Let’s not fight because we disagree.
Forest High School
Ocala, FL, US

La paix c’est fait pour tout le monde
La paix fait des kilomètres à la ronde
Ecole primaire, Sainte Cécile
Lambersart, France

Peace touched the world with its magic stick
And the bloody cry of Bosnia ceased at once.
German Language High School
Sofia, Bulgaria

Peace is when cats and dogs play together
Peace is when I have friends to play with me
Shelter Island School
Shelter Island, NY, US

When my enemy will be my friend, when our friendship will never end
When the army symbol will be a white dove, there will be peace on Earth.
Gymnazium Turnov, middle school
Czech Republic

If I could make peace I would
Peace is nice, peace is good!
Lake Alma School
Lake Alma, Saskatchewan, Canada

Release generosity and respect into a world of strife.
Peace unlocks the power of life.
Pleasant Green Elementary
Magna, UT, US