La paix c’est le meilleur moyen de communiquer.
Il faut que la guerre cesse, la paix c’est gai.
Ecole Jean XXIII
Chartres, France
Happiness-sharing sunsets with special friends
A picture perfect world in harmony.
Nate Perry Elementary School
Liverpool, NY, US
Paz es la palabra que los petrificados hombres lograron borrar.
El día en que la ganancia termine, quién sabe si esta palabra
pueda volver.
I.E.H.B. Renascença, middle school
São Paulo, Brazil
World Peace is like a single tear,
We help so little, but it helps a lot.
Hunter Junior High
West Valley City, UT, US
Peace is something you can’t see with your eyes.
It lives in everyone and it is so nice.
Florence Nightingale
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Less anger and hatred bring harmony and happiness.
With a better world we can begin to trust and feel safe.
Land O’Pines School
Howell, NJ, US
Generations have strived to ensure that the world would gain
from History’s pains;
So let Peace fill the world with love and happiness and free it of
grief and sadness.
Rock Creek Jr./Sr. High School
St. George, KS, US
Caring and sharing for each other:
LBE’s wish for peace.
Long Branch Elementary School
Liverpool, NY, US
When the world has accomplished peace
Every child of every nation will wear a smile.
International School of Amsterdam, middle school
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
People should not be prejudiced.
Everyone is special in their own way.
Prunedale School
Salinas, CA, US
Desde Concordia, amiguitos, nuestras manos aquí están,
tómenlas y demostremos a los grandes que se puede vivir en paz.
Escuela Primaria Provincial No. 73
Fablica, Argentina
Peace is hope in your heart.
Peace is faith and not fear.
Brewster Elementary School
Rochester Hills, MI, US
Peace is special, like us
And in all creatures, large and small
Pleasant Valley School
Novato, CA, US
Make Peace, not war. Peace on earth.
Let all nations rise!
Lake Linden-Hubbell School
Lake Linden, MI, US
Peace isn’t puppies, rainbows and flowers
Peace is not hearing guns, Peace is not having to run
Community School Middle School
Roanoke, VA, US
You are not alone; around you, there is peace.
All people in the world are your friends.
First Middle School attached to Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China
Increase peace;
let it be whispered into your ears.
Paraisten lukio
Parainen, Finland
One rainbow people,
working together, for the good of all.
Pakuranga College
Bucklands Beach, Auckland, New Zealand
Open your hearts for the sake of peace
Let’s make the world a better place for all of us
Roots High School
Rawalpindi Cantt, Pakistan
Peace is working together,
a preparation for the future.
Virginia City High School
Virginia City, NV, US
Did you know that on every piece of American money it says
"In God We Trust,"
for in God, we must trust—without him we surely would perish.
Obsidian Middle School
Redmond, OR, US
Plus d’essais nucleaires ! Plus d’armes atomiques !
Est-ce si difficile de faire la paix entre nous?
Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA, US
Our wonderful world needs more love, cheerfulness, and less war.
We’ll have hope and peace if we love each other and work together.
Hellgate Elementary
Missoula, MT, US
When ignorance is replaced by understanding and men’s hearts
are filled with love,
World peace and tranquility will prevail
Saint Linus School
Oak Lawn, IL, US
The whole world needs to make friends,
So that wars and fighting will end.
Glendal Primary School
Victoria, Australia
Harmony, Friendship, Caring, Sharing.
Joyful, Hopeful, Quiet, Safe ...PEACE
Early Childhood Center #61
Buffalo, NY, US
Peace my friend is for you and me,
Let’s not fight because we disagree.
Forest High School
Ocala, FL, US
La paix c’est fait pour tout le monde
La paix fait des kilomètres à la ronde
Ecole primaire, Sainte Cécile
Lambersart, France
Peace touched the world with its magic stick
And the bloody cry of Bosnia ceased at once.
German Language High School
Sofia, Bulgaria
Peace is when cats and dogs play together
Peace is when I have friends to play with me
Shelter Island School
Shelter Island, NY, US
When my enemy will be my friend, when our friendship will never end
When the army symbol will be a white dove, there will be peace on Earth.
Gymnazium Turnov, middle school
Czech Republic
If I could make peace I would
Peace is nice, peace is good!
Lake Alma School
Lake Alma, Saskatchewan, Canada
Release generosity and respect into a world of strife.
Peace unlocks the power of life.
Pleasant Green Elementary
Magna, UT, US
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